
The Korea Professional Football Federation held the second HR course of the 2023

“K League Academy” at Hotel Nine (located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul) on the 19th. About 40 personnel managers from all K-League clubs attended the process, which was held to enhance the capabilities of K-League personnel managers.

In the first training session, Jung Ho-young, a labor attorney at Yedam HR Consulting, analyzed the latest personnel labor precedents under the theme of “The direction of employment labor policy in the second half of 2023” and explained the practice of managing workers’ breaks, holidays, and vacations. 온라인경마

In the second training session, Jung Sung-woo, a partner of Flex, an HR platform company that signed a partnership with the federation this year, introduced the results report and future plans for use in relation to the production of the “K League Standard Job Description.”

The “K League Standard Job Description” is a work for the federation to define the standard duties of each team’s organizational system for growth as the nation’s most competitive professional sports support organization, and the federation, Flex, and 11 K-League clubs participated in the production for about six months.Through this, the federation aims to reorganize the foundation of the K League’s organization and HR system and develop an appropriate recruitment, management, and performance system for the club in the future.

Finally, during the third training session, Jeong Min-hong, head of the HR team at Hwaseung Corporation, gave a lecture on the application of HR trends and job descriptions based on his 17-year experience in HR practice.

The federation has continued to implement the “K League Academy” project since 2013, which provides customized education programs for K League members, including this HR course.In the future, the federation plans to enhance the capabilities of K-League club officials through lectures on club administrative practice and sharing cases.

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