Croquet is a sport with proud traditions, and it was originally played by the aristocracy. Croquet was considered a serious competitive sport, and it was even featured in the 1900 Olympics. It is still a popular sport in the Anglo-Saxon world, and there are still held world championships in croquet.Croquet is a great sport that is especially prevalent in Anglo-Saxon countries. It is played on grass with mallets and balls made of wood or plastic. Every player has their own ball, and the objective of the game is to hit the ball through the course of nine hoops using as few strikes as possible. Today, croquet is experiencing renewed interest as an exciting senior sport that can also be played indoors. 온라인경마
There are several different ways of playing croquet. Common to them all is that it is played on a court that ideally measures 30×20 meter. Naturally, the court is adjusted to the conditions. You can play either in teams or individually with 2-6 participants.
- The size of the croquet court is adapted according to the conditions. An outdoor court can measure 20 x 30 metres, but it can be larger or smaller.
2, 3 or 4 players participate. There is more fun to be had if 4 players participate, so two can play against two. - The ball is placed in between the start peg and the first hoop. One after the other, the players hit the balls through the hoops in the following sequence: Red, blue, yellow and black.
- When you pass a hoop, an extra stroke is gained – a bonus stroke.
- If you hit another’s ball you can choose between: 2 bonus strokes. The player places his ball one mallet head’s distance from the hit ball after which the 2 bonus strokes are taken. OR: A croquade.
- The person who executes a croquade places his ball right up against the ball that has been hit. The player then holds his ball steady with his hand or foot and hits it so that the croquade ball is shot away. You can also choose to carry out a loose croquade, i.e. that you do not hold your own ball steady during the stroke. The partner’s ball may be exposed to croquade. After a croquade, you have the right to an extra stroke.
- When the player has passed hoop 10 without hitting the start peg, all other balls must be hit (as in a croquade) before the player can complete the game by hitting the start peg.
- If the player hits the start peg before the other balls are croquade, the player must move back to hoop 8 and continue from there.
- It’s all about getting through the course with as few strokes as possible. The person who uses the least strokes is the winner.
- You can also play following simpler rules where a croquade is not compulsory.
Forms of Croquet
Association Croquet — an advanced game of croquet played at an international level involving four balls teamed in pairs, with both balls going through every hoop for one pair to win.
Golf Croquet — a popular form of croquet in which each player takes a stroke in turn, trying to hit a ball through the same hoop.
Garden Croquet — this version of croquet is widely played in the UK, and is similar to association croquet. This version of the game is easy for beginners to learn.
American Six-Wicket — The American rules version of croquet, another six-hoop game, is the dominant version of the game in the United States. This version has an emphasis on strategy. The major difference to association croquet is that a ball’s “deadness” on other balls is carried over from turn to turn, until the ball has been “cleared” by scoring a wicket.
Nine-Wicket Croquet — sometimes called “backyard croquet”, this version is played mainly in North America, and is the game most recreational players in those countries call simply “croquet”. There are nine wickets, two stakes, and up to six balls. The course is arranged in a double-diamond pattern, with one stake at each end of the course.
Extreme Croquet — a variation on croquet similar to the croquet played in most backyards and gardens, however there is no specific field dimensions or out-of-bounds, and played over novel terrain.
Bicycle Croquet — A time limit of 10 seconds has to be met for every individual play. The players alternate strokes and are not allowed to touch the ground with any part of their body.