
Cho Kyu-sung’s first goal in the European competition came out.

Mitwillan scored a 5-1 victory over Omonia in the second round of the third round of the UEFA Europa Conference League qualifying round for the 2023-24 season at MCH Arena in Henning, Denmark, at 2:45 a.m. on the 18th. Mitwilan, who lost the first game 0-1, advanced to the playoffs with a combined score.

Mitwillan utilized the 4-4-2 formation. With Cho Kyu-sung starting, Franculino, Simsir, Olsson, Gigiovic, Sørensen, Paulinho, Juninho, Gartenman and Charles were included in the starting list, while Roussele wore goalkeeper gloves. Against this, Omonia brought a 4-2-3-1 formation. Kakulis, Semedu, Bezus, Royju, Bechiru, Kusulos, Lechax, Lang, Koulibaly and Matthews filled the starting list, and Fabianu defended the goal. 스포츠토토

Meatwillan opened the door. In the first minute of the first half, All-Son, who exchanged passes with his teammate, tried to shoot inside the box, but it was deflected after being hit by the opponent’s defense. Mitwilan kept pressing. Franculino, who exchanged a 2-1 pass with Cho Kyu-sung in the 5th minute of the first half, broke into the box, but failed to connect with a shot due to the long first touch.

Omonia also launched a counterattack. Kakulis, who received a pass in front of the box in the 7th minute of the first half, put aside the defense with a light touch and attempted a powerful mid-range shot, but was blocked by the goalkeeper. Mitwillan, who overcame the crisis, took the opportunity. Franculino, who received Cho Kyu-sung’s penetration pass in the 11th minute of the first half, tried to shoot inside the box, but failed to hit the impact properly and the ball was in the goalkeeper’s arms.

Mitwilan took the decisive opportunity. Franculino, who received one pass from the back space in the 13th minute of the first half, attempted a volley shot after chest trapping in the box, but the goalkeeper blocked it. Cho Kyu-sung also wanted to create an opportunity. In the 19th minute of the first half, Cho Kyu-sung, who caught the ball from the left side of the box, tried to cross in front of the opponent’s defense, but it was not connected to his teammate.

Mitwillan scored the first goal. In the 24th minute of the first half, he was fouled inside the opponent’s box and got a penalty kick, and Cho Kyu-sung, who played as a kicker, calmly finished and split the opponent’s net. Omonia immediately struck a balance. Kakulis, who received a penetration pass in the 30th minute of the first half, saw the goalkeeper come out of the box and kicked lightly and shook Mitwillan’s net.

Mitwillan, who scored an equalizer, immediately sought to turn the tables. In the 35th minute of the first half, only Garten tried to shoot with his right foot in a competition in the box, but was blocked by the goalkeeper who narrowed the angle. Mitwilan continued to aim for the opponent’s goal. In the 41st minute of the first half, he took a chance through a pass inside the box, and Charles tried to shoot, but he was blocked by the defense’s six-shot defense.

Mitwillan, who continued to create opportunities, took the lead again. Franculino, who received a cross from the box in the 42nd minute of the first half, attempted a header shot and scored his second goal. Cho Kyu-sung almost scored multiple goals. In the 45th minute of the first half, he attempted a powerful header shot from inside the box, but was blocked by the goalkeeper. Mitwillan scored an additional goal. Franculino, who received a pass in the box in the extra time of the first half, lightly pushed in and scored multiple goals. So the first half ended with Mitwillan leading 3-1.

With the start of the second half, Mitwillan took the opportunity. Cho Kyu-sung, who received a pass in the box in the 1st minute of the second half, attempted a right-footed shot without delay, but it did not lead to a goal. Mitwilan kept pressing. In the 10th minute of the second half, he made a chance with a long pass, and Cho Kyu-sung fell in the box and tried to shoot, but he was blocked by the goalkeeper who narrowed the angle.

Meatwillan drove a wedge in. Franculino, who received a pass in the box in the 18th minute of the second half, scored a hat trick with a left-footed volley shot. Omonia, who kept defending, also sought a comeback goal. In the 25th minute of the second half, he launched the attack through a counterattack, and Semedo, who received a pass from the box, attempted to shoot, but the ball headed to the side net.

Cho Kyu-sung, who scored the first goal, was replaced by Brumadou in the 32nd minute of the second half. Meatwillan has won the game. In the 34th minute of the second half, Gigovic, who received a pass inside the box, attempted a sophisticated right-footed shot and shook Omonia’s net. Since then, no additional points have been scored, and the game ended with a 5-1 victory by Mitwillan.

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