Although the global lockdown has given players the opportunity to reflect on their spending and gambling habits, this has not resulted in a decrease in the time and money spent on gambling. The UK GC found that young respondents were more likely to increase spending while reducing concerns about gambling activities and changes in their game patterns.
The gambling authority lists the following as the main causes of this gambling market change:
High accessibility to online gambling;
increased free time and lack of other entertainment activities;
Many people also justify increasing gambling due to lack of other costs.
In addition, the high dependence on online casino credit card payments in the iGaming industry has made it difficult for many players to track gambling costs, resulting in more spending on iGaming.
But for a handful of players, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to financial uncertainty, or even a severe decline in income. Some of the respondents also reconsidered the role of the game in their lives, and some simply did not want to gamble alone. Therefore, the group spent less time and money on gambling activities. 파친코
Nearly half of those surveyed recognized increased negative feelings about gambling during the pandemic. The UK GC also warns that with the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and the return of life to “normal,” it could be difficult for many players to change their newly adopted habits.