
The NBA Secretary announces heavy punishment for “accident” Morant “possibility of season out”.

Brian Windhorst, a reporter for the U.S. sports media “ESPN,” said on the 2nd, “The NBA Secretariat will punish Morant severely.” Morant will not be able to play in many games next season,” he said. Currently, the NBA Secretariat is investigating Morant’s use of firearms. It is already the third self-investigation into Morant. 바카라사이트<

It appears that more serious content has been added than is known. NBA President Adam Silver said, Morant has tens of millions of followers. It was an action that an influential player should not do. Shaking and showing guns is a serious act of forgetting gun safety, he said. “The same thing happened again in two months.” I was very shocked and disappointed,” he said, expressing anger.

Morant pulled out a gun in May while playing rapping in a car with friends. It was during SNS live. Just two months ago, he was suspended from eight games for filming SNS live with a gun while being drunk at a club. Morant publicly apologized and promised to prevent a recurrence, but it was not kept at all.

In addition, Morant has been involved in incidents such as assaulting a teenage boy and his aides shooting lasers on buses carrying the Indiana Pacers squad. The NBA secretariat decided to announce Morant’s disciplinary action after the final. This is proof that Morant’s disciplinary action is strong.

In the U.S., there is even a possibility of a season out. This is because the gun issue is a very sensitive issue in the United States. Many people in the United States have been killed in recent shootings. Last year, gun accidents killed the most in the United States in a year. In the midst of this, Morant, called the next-generation NBA superstar, grabbed a gun.

“ESPN” said, “Morant has greatly undermined the moral values that NBA considers more important than legal issues. “It will be difficult to return easily this time,” he predicted. Morant’s team Memphis Grizzlies are on alert. Morant averaged 26.2 points, 5.9 rebounds and 8.1 assists this season, leading Memphis to second place in the West. With his incredible athletic ability, he drove his fans with not only his skills but also his star quality.

In particular, the five-year, up to $194 million (about 260 billion won) contract with Memphis will begin next season. However, he was absent for a considerable period of time due to disciplinary action from the first season of a large contract.

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