
미국에 도착한 ‘장타 여왕’ 윤이나(22)가 가장 먼저 잡은 클럽은 무엇일까? 퍼터였다.

미국에 도착한 ‘장타 여왕’ 윤이나(22)가 가장 먼저 잡은 클럽은 무엇일까? 퍼터였다.

올해 미국여자프로골프(LPGA)투어에 데뷔하는 윤이나(22)는 지난 19일 인천국제공항을 통해 미국으로 출발해 애틀랜타를 거쳐, 플로리다주 올랜도로 이동했다. 훈련 베이스캠프를 차리고 2월 6일 올랜도 인근 브래이던튼에서 열리는 LPGA 투어 파운더스컵 준비에 들어갔다. 파워볼사이트

얼마 남지 않은 데뷔전을 앞두고 그린 적응 훈련이 시급하다고 판단한 것. 올랜도에는 마침 윤이나가 중학교 1학년 때부터 퍼팅을 배운 최종환 코치가 훈련 캠프를 차리고 있었다. 최 코치 캠프에는 지난해 11월 하와이에서 통산 2승째를 거둔 김아림도 합류해 훈련하고 있다.

윤이나는 “저 자신의 게으름과 싸우면서 LPGA투어 신인왕 타이틀에 도전하겠다”는 출사표를 던진 상황. 하지만 지난 시즌이 끝나고 다양한 후원 업체들과 계약을 맺으며 뜨거운 겨울을 보냈지만, 훈련량은 충분하지 않은 상황이다. 지난해 LPGA투어 성적을 기준으로 출전권을 주는 대회에는 참가할 수 없어 한 대회 한 대회 소중하게 보내야 한다.

윤이나의 퍼팅 훈련을 돕는 최종환 코치는 “골프 선수가 성공하기 위해 필요한 내적 자원과 기술 자원 두 종류를 윤이나는 고루 갖추고 있다”며 “결과보다는 배우고 성장하는 과정에 의미를 두는 것이 좋은 결과로 이어질 것”이라고 했다. 윤이나는 간절함, 셀프 이미지, 마인드 세트, 비전과 계획, 끈기 등 5가지 내적 자원을 잘 갖추고 있다는 설명이다. 5가지 기술 자원은 파온률, 비거리, 퍼팅, 쇼트게임, 코스 공략 능력이다. 윤이나는 미국의 빠른 그린에 대비해 최신 버전의 에임 포인트 그린 리딩과 스피드 조절 훈련을 하고 있다고 소개했다. 에임 포인트 그린 리딩은 두 발로 그린을 밟으면서 경사도를 파악하고, 경사가 많을수록 더 많은 손가락을 펴서 어느 지점으로 공을 스트로크 할 것인지 정하는 방식이다. 지난해 여자 골프 세계 1위 넬리 코르다(미국)가 배운 뒤 7연승을 해 더 유명해졌다. 토토사이트

윤이나는 최코치와 함께 다양한 잔디에 빠르게 적응하는 다양한 훈련을 소화했다.

미국은 지역마다 골프장마다 잔디가 워낙 다양해 적응이 쉽지 않다. 국내 대회 코스는 대부분 벤트 그래스 그린이지만 미국에는 버뮤다 그래스와 포아 애뉴아 그래스도 많다. 안전놀이터

겨울에도 따뜻하고 습도가 높은 플로리다는 대부분 페어웨이와 그린에 더위에 강한 버뮤다 잔디를 사용하고 있다. 버뮤다 잔디는 결을 많이 타는 특성을 갖고 있어 공이 멈추기 50cm 전에 급격히 휘어지는 성향이 있다. 스피드 컨트롤이 중요하다. 버뮤다 잔디의 결은 보통 내리막 경사를 따라 자란다. 태양을 따라 자란다거나 물 쪽으로 자란다는 이야기가 있지만 사실이 아니다.

캘리포니아 주에서 주로 만나게 되는 포아 애뉴아 잔디는 그린에서 고르지 않은 구름을 만들어내기 때문에 까다롭다. 퍼팅을 하기 전 공이 구르는 길을 잘 다지고 홀을 60cm 정도 지나게 치는 스피드 컨트롤, 임팩트 직후 2.5도 정도의 탄도를 잘 만들어 불규착한 잔디의 영향을 최소화 해야 한다. 파워볼사이트

윤이나는 최 코치와 함께 1.2m~2.4m 리커버리 퍼트 훈련, 새롭게 만든 컬러 수건을 이용한 섬세한 터치 훈련, 다양한 과제를 소화하는 미션 드릴 등 연습을 했다.


여자배구 정관장이 연승 숫자를 ‘12’로 늘렸다.

여자배구 정관장이 연승 숫자를 ‘12’로 늘렸다. 리그 3위 정관장은 22일 수원체육관에서 벌인 2위 현대건설과 맞대결에서 풀세트 접전 끝에 세트 점수 3대2(21-25 29-27 23-25 25-18 15-13)로 승리했다. 지난해 11월 30일 IBK기업은행전부터 12경기를 내리 이기며 파죽지세를 이어갔다. 종전 구단 단일 시즌 최다 연승이었던 8연승 기록을 깨고 새 역사를 계속 써가고 있다. 신용카드 현금화

정관장의 외국인 ‘쌍포’ 메가왓티 퍼티위(등록명 메가)와 반야 부키리치(등록명 부키리치)가 69점을 합작했다. 메가는 양 팀 최다 38득점을 했는데, 그중 10점을 마지막 5세트에 몰아치며 팀 승리를 견인했다. 부키리치도 31득점으로 활약했고, 미들블로커 표승주도 12점으로 힘을 보탰다. 현대건설은 모마 바소코(등록명 모마)가 29득점으로 분전했지만, 5세트 메가의 맹폭을 막아내지 못하고 무릎을 꿇었다. 바카라사이트

정관장은 이날 승리로 승점 43(16승 6패)을 쌓아 현대건설(승점 47·15승 7패)과 격차를 승점 4로 좁혔다. 승리 수는 오히려 현대건설보다 많다. 향후 2경기 결과로 역전할 수 있는 차이다. V리그에선 세트 점수 3대0 혹은 3대1 승리 시 승점 3, 3대2 승리 시 승점 2, 2대3 패배 시 승점 1을 얻는다. 1위 흥국생명(승점 50·17승 5패)과 간격도 크지 않아 시즌 초반부터 이어져 온 흥국생명·현대건설 양강 구도가 조만간 깨질 수 있다. 파워볼사이트

남자부 대한항공은 우리카드를 3대2(21-25 25-17 25-23 21-25 15-13)로 꺾었다. 대한항공은 요스바니(29점), 정지석(15점), 진지위(13점), 이준(12점), 김민재(10점) 등 5명이 두 자릿수 득점을 올리며 골고루 활약했다. 대한항공(승점 45·14승 8패)은 리그 선두 현대캐피탈(승점 58·20승 2패)에 승점 13 뒤진 2위에 자리하고 있다. 선두 추격이 쉽지 않지만, 최근 상승세인 3위 KB손해보험(승점 33·12승 10패)과 격차를 벌렸다. 카지노사이트


 대한항공 점보스가 2연승을 달렸다.

 대한항공 점보스가 2연승을 달렸다.

대한항공은 22일 인천 계양체육관에서 열린 도드람 2024~2025 V리그 남자부 우리카드 우리WON과의 4라운드 경기에서 세트스코어 3대2(21-25, 25-17, 25-23, 21-25, 15-13)로 승리했다. 2위 대한항공은 2연승을 달리며 시즌 14승8패 승점 45점으로 선두 현대캐피탈(20승2패 승점 58점)을 승점 13점 차로 추격했다. 4위 우리카드는 승점 1점을 따내며 시즌 전적 11승11패 승점 30점을 기록했다. 카지노사이트

우리카드는 올 시즌 순위는 떨어져 있지만 대한항공을 상대로 전반기 3경기 중 2승1패로 강한 모습을 보여줬다. 마우리시오 파에스 우리카드 감독은 “특별한 이유가 있는지는 모르겠다. 어떤 상대를 만나든 최선을 다하려고 하고 있다. 배구 특성상 너무 잘하면 막을 방법이 없다. 항상 경기 준비는 대한항공이든 다른 팀이든 동일하게 같은 방향성으로 준비를 하고 있다”고 설명했다.

토미 틸리카이넨 대한항공은 감독은 이 부분에 대해 “(앞선 3경기) 접전이었고, 포인트를 내지 못해서 지긴 했다. 그러나 이제 또다른 배틀이 시작된다고 생각된다. 오늘 가장 큰 키 포인트는 공격일 거 같다”고 바라봤다. 토토사이트

이날 대한항공은 고른 공격력을 뽐냈다. 요스바니가 29득점을 기록했고, 정지석(15득점) 진지위(13득점) 이준(12득점) 김민재(10득점)가 두 자릿수 득점을 했다. 우리카드는 니콜리치가 16득점, 알리가 12득점을 기록했지만, 팀 패배를 막지 못했다.

1세트 우리카드가 부상 변수를 맞았다.

6-5에서 김지한이 퀵오픈 득점을 한 뒤 어깨에 통증을 호소하며 한성정과 교체됐다. 갑작스러운 악재에도 박진우가 속공과 블로킹 득점을 차례로 하면서 분위기를 잡았고, 이후 알리의 득점포를 앞세워 결국 25-21로 1세트를 잡았다. 안전놀이터

2세트부터는 대한항공의 반격이 이어졌다. 4-4에서 요스바니의 서브에이스로 흐름을 타기 시작한 대한항공은 14-12에서 요스바니가 연속 서브에이스를 성공시키며 일찌감치 승리 분위기를 만들었다. 23-16으로 점수를 벌린 대한항공은 진지위의 블로킹 득점에 이어 정지석의 서브 득점으로 승부를 원점으로 돌렸다.

대한항공은 3세트 시작부터 요스바니와 정지석 진지위의 득점을 터지면서 리드를 잡았다. 우리카드의 반격도 만만치 않았다. 9-15에서 이상현의 블로킹 득점과 한태준의 서브 득점으로 차근차근 추격 발판을 마련했다. 15-19에서 박진우와 한태준의 블로킹 득점이 이어지면서 두 점 차까지 간격이 좁혀진 상황. 대한항공이 앞선 24-22에서 대한항공과 우리카드에서 나란히 서브 범실이 나오면서 3세트가 끝났다. 소액결제 현금화

4세트 초반 접전으로 흘러갔던 가운데 우리카드가 상대 범실과 송명근의 블로킹 득점으로 4점 차로 리드를 잡았다. 대한항공은 요스바니 이준 정지석이 고르게 득점에 가담하면서 빠르게 간격을 좁혀갔고, 결국 16-16으로 꼬리를 잡는데 성공했다. 그러나 19-18에서 이상현의 블로킹으로 다시 한 번 점수를 벌려나가기 시작한 우리카드는 한성정의 오픈 득점과 상대 범실로 승기를 잡았다. 이후 박진우의 블로킹 득점으로 24-20을 만든 우리카드는 대한항공 서브 범실로 5세트로 승부를 끌고가는데 성공했다.

접전의 5세트. 진지위의 블로킹이 희비를 갈랐다. 우리카드가 점수를 내면 대한항공이 따라가는 랠리. 8-8에서 진지위가 블로킹을 성공하며 대한항공이 리드를 가지고 왔다. 진지위는 11-10에서 다시 한 번 블로킹 득점을 하면서 승리 분위기를 만들어갔다. 우리카드는 공격 범실까지 이어지면서 결국 흐름을 내줬고 대한항공이 길었던 랠리의 승자가 됐다.


Victor Reyes will try to make history in the final game

I’m finally getting greedy. It’s a hard opportunity that doesn’t come around again, so I want to seize it. Victor Reyes, a foreign hitter for the Lotte Giants of the Korean Baseball Organization, will try to make history in the final game of the season.

Reyes hit his 200th hit of the season in the third inning of the game against the KIA Tigers at Sajik Stadium in Busan on Monday. He became only the second player in the 43-year history of the KBO to reach 200 hits.

He also broke the record for most hits by a foreigner in a single season, breaking the previous mark of 199 set by Jose Miguel Fernandez in 2020. Reyes now holds the record for most hits by a foreigner in a single season.

Although the team went from 6-0 to 8-12 in the final game of the day, Reyes’ 200-hit season was worthy of applause.

Reyes joined Lotte this year with a contract totaling $950,000 ($700,000 guaranteed, $250,000 incentive). For Lotte, who have been unsuccessful in farming foreign hitters in recent years, Reyes was a boon.

Of course, there were concerns about his injury history (hamstring) and high strikeout rate when the signing was announced, but Reyes has proven to be one of the best foreign bats in the league. He’s finishing the season with a record that could easily put him in the conversation for best foreign player of all time.

In all 143 games this year, Reyes is batting .515 (200-for-569) with 15 home runs, 109 RBIs, and a .905 OPS. While his home run numbers may leave something to be desired, 파워볼실시간 he’s clearly established himself as a mid-to-long-range hitter. He more than makes up for it with his ability to make contact and his production. He currently leads the league with 40 doubles.

He has one game left in the regular season.

Reyes is on pace to reach 200 hits, the most in the KBO. He will enter the final game of the season looking to break the 201-hit record set by Nexen’s Seo Gun-chang (now KIA) in 2014.

Reyes has kept a team-first mentality throughout his career, but he’s going out with a bang in his final game. After reaching 200 hits, Reyes first expressed his disappointment that he was unable to lead the team to the postseason, saying, “It’s a season that leaves a lot of disappointment because we didn’t make it to the postseason.” “You can get a personal record by producing a lot of hits, but it’s only meaningful if the team wins and makes it to the postseason,” he said.


He also expressed his emotions, saying, “I was very happy to get 200 hits today,” and “I was able to produce a lot of hits because I was given the opportunity to get on base consistently. “202 hits is a KBO record, and I really want to achieve it because the manager, coach, and teammates have been very supportive, so I will try to focus on every at-bat in the last game,” he said, expressing his desire to reach the record.

“All 200 hits are memorable, but the one I’m most happy about is the one I hit today. I’ve also heard that it’s the most hits by a foreigner in a single season, so I want to get at least two more hits in my last game.”

Lotte will play the final game of the regular season on October 1 against the NC Dinos at NC Park in Changwon. On that day, Reyes’ 202 hits will be completed.


Yoon sent a message to congratulate Moo

“I sincerely congratulate Moon on his first 3-for-20, 20 home runs, and 100 RBIs, and hope he continues to grow one step at a time every year and become a third baseman representing Korea.”

LG Twins manager Yoon Kyung-yup sent a message to congratulate national team infielder Moon Bok-kyung on his debut triple, 20 home runs, and 100 RBIs.

Moon went 5-for-4 with a walk-off home run, six RBIs and three runs scored in the regular-season finale against the Samsung Lions on April 28 to finish the regular season batting .319 (156-for-519) with 22 home runs, 101 RBIs, 80 runs scored, seven doubles and an OPS of .879.

Starting at third base in the No. 4 spot,

Moon hit a leadoff triple in the first inning, a one-run homer to left in the third and a two-run double with two outs in the eighth. LG finished the regular season with a record of 76 wins, 66 losses, and two ties for a .535 winning percentage, beating Samsung 11-4.

“I sincerely congratulate Moon on his first 3-for-20, 토토사이트 20 home runs and 100 RBIs, and I hope he continues to grow step by step like this every year and become a third baseman representing Korea,” said manager Yoon Kyung-yup after the game.

“I also want to tell our players that we had a tough year in the pennant race,” he said.

“I would like to thank the fans who traveled to Daegu for the last game of the regular season today, and I would like to say on behalf of the team that I am grateful to all LG fans for encouraging our players with their passionate support throughout the year,” he added.

Moon Bo-kyung, meanwhile, said, “It feels great to get my first 100 on debut. It means a lot to me. The difference between double-digit RBIs and triple-digit RBIs is very big. It’s unbelievable. I can only say that it feels good.”


‘Is it the first 5th place deciding game’ final game victory

최초 5위 결정전인가' 최종전 승리→단독 5위 지켰지만 PS 오리무중…30일 SSG-키움전에 운명 달렸다 [오!쎈 수원]

The fifth place in the 2024 regular season will be decided by a tiebreaker. KT secured sole possession of fifth place with a win in the season finale, but will still miss out on fall baseball.

The KT Wiz of the Korean Baseball Organization (KBO) pulled off a 10-6 come-from-behind victory over the Kiwoom Heroes of the Shinhan SOL Bank KBO League 2024 in the season finale at KT Wiz Park in Suwon, South Korea, on April 28.

The fifth-ranked KT finished the 2024 season with 72 wins, two draws and 70 losses. This year, the team dominated the series with a 14-2 record.

Starter Wes Benjamin was pulled early after allowing six runs (four earned) on five hits (one homer) with four walks and six strikeouts in 3 1/3 innings on 85 pitches, but Joo Kwon (⅓ innings of scoreless relief), Ko Young-pyo (five innings of one run), and Park Young-hyun (⅓ innings of scoreless relief) held strong.

Ko Young-pyo pitched out of the bullpen for the first time in 545 days since April 2, 2023, against the Suwon LG Twins and the first time in 2,965 days since August 16, 2016, against the Gwangju KIA Tigers. He limited his team to just 48 hits in five innings of relief.

At the plate,

Kim Min-hyuk went 5-for-3 with a home run, one RBI and one run scored, Kang Baek-ho went 5-for-3 with a home run, one RBI and three runs scored, and Oh Jae-il went 4-for-3 with a home run, two RBI and one run scored. Mel Rojas Jr. was 2-for-5 with a double, 메이저사이트 one RBI, and one run scored, and Bae Jae-dae was 2-for-4 with a double and three RBI in support.

“I’m glad we were able to reward our fans with a win in our final home game of the season,” said KT head coach Lee Kang-cheol after the game. ”Young-pyo Ko pitched really well to set the stage for the win, and in a situation where we could have fallen behind early, all of our players came through with big innings to set the tone for the game. We were able to capitalize on our scoring chances and get the extra base hits to win the game,” said Kim.

With the 12th sellout of the season,

KT recorded a total attendance of 843,942 fans, surpassing the 800,000 single-season attendance mark for the first time in its history. The previous single-season record was 693,750 last year. KT broke the previous record with a cumulative attendance of 697,745 against the Doosan Bears on March 7.

“We would like to thank our fans once again for their enthusiastic support by filling the stadium to capacity for our last home game of the season,” Lee said.

KT maintained a 0.5-game lead over sixth-place SSG Landers, who beat the Hanwha Eagles in Daejeon at the same time, but unlike KT, which ended its season, SSG still has one more game left.

If SSG wins against the Incheon Kiwoom Heroes on October 30, it will set up the KBO League’s first-ever fifth-place matchup between KT and SSG on October 1 in Suwon, while the reverse will see KT board the postseason train in fifth place. The fate of both KT and SSG hangs in the balance on October 30th.


Jung will make his first career start in his retirement game

Hanwha Eagles left-handed pitcher Jung Woo-ram (39) will make his first career start in his retirement game. Jung Woo-ram, who holds the record for the most appearances by a pitcher in Asian professional baseball with 1004 career games, will make his farewell at Daejeon Baseball Stadium even more special.

After losing a 2-6 home game against SSG Landers in the 2024 Shinhan SOL Bank KBO League at Hanwha Life Eagles Park in Daejeon on April 28, Hanwha announced that the left-hander will start the season finale against the NC Dinos at the same venue on April 29. Jeong, who announced his retirement from active play on Dec. 15, will make his first start in his retirement game.

Hanwha manager Kim Kyung-moon said before the game against Jamsil LG on Aug. 25 that Jung wanted to pitch in his retirement ceremony, so he will probably pitch against one batter, ending his 21-year professional career with the start. Seventh-ranked Hanwha has yet to finalize its ranking, but with its postseason hopes dashed and its opponent, NC, having clinched the ninth spot, there is no pressure on the pitcher.

Jung Woo-ram, who was registered as a pitching coach this year, stayed on as a reserve pitching coach and focused on coaching the juniors.

He hasn’t pitched for either the first or second Futures League teams. His most recent appearance was on October 16 last year against Lotte in Daejeon (⅓ innings of scoreless relief), his first appearance on the mound in 349 days.

Jung Woo-ram has had a long career as one of the KBO’s leading bullpen arms. After graduating from Gyeongnam Sanghoe High School, Jung was drafted by SK with the 11th overall pick in the second round in 2004, and made his professional debut on April 21 that year against the Munhwa Hanwha. He established himself as a full-fledged first-team player in 2005 and pitched 40 or more games consistently for 15 consecutive seasons until 2021. 카지노사이트 He had 16 seasons of 50 games or more, including a season-high 85 games in 2008.

He became the youngest pitcher in history to reach both 500 and 900 games, and on October 2 last year, he became the first league pitcher to reach the 1,000-game milestone. Then, on Oct. 15 against Lotte in Daejeon, he became the most appearances by a pitcher in a single league in Asia, surpassing Hitoki Iwase of Nippon Professional Baseball (1002 games) with 1003 career appearances.

In all 1004 games,

He pitched 977⅓ innings in relief, compiling a 64-47 record, 197 saves, 145 relief appearances, a 3.18 ERA, and 937 strikeouts. Jung was a key part of the SK dynasty, leading the league in holds twice, in 2008 and 2011 (25+), and was the league leader in saves in 2018 (35) after joining Hanwha as a free agent. He ranks 4th in career holds, 6th in saves, 12 consecutive seasons with 50 appearances (2008-2021, 2nd all-time), and 8 consecutive seasons with double-digit saves (2012-2021, 3rd all-time).

The following Hanwha players had their retirement ceremonies: outfielder Lee Kang-don on August 31, 1997, pitcher Lee Sang-gun on May 31, 2001, infielder Kang Seok-chun on September 20, 2003, pitcher Han Yong-duk on April 5, 2005, infielder Jang Jong-hoon on September 15, 2005, and pitcher Jung Min-chul on September 12, 2009, pitcher Song Jin-woo on September 23 of the same year, infielder Kim Min-jae on August 6, 2010, pitcher Koo Dae-sung on September 3 of the same year, outfielder Lee Young-woo on September 18 of the same year, catcher Shin Seung-hyun on September 14, 2013, and pitcher Park Chan-ho on July 18, 2014. Of these, Park Chan-ho had his retirement ceremony held at the KBO level during the Gwangju All-Star Game at the request of the players’ union, while all the other players had their retirement ceremonies at their home stadium in Daejeon.

Jung Woo-ram’s retirement ceremony was also significant because it was his farewell game at the Hanwha Life Eagles Park in Daejeon.

Hanwha’s new ballpark, which is being built right next door, will finally open next year. With Hanwha’s fall baseball plans falling through, this was the last first team game to be played at Hanwha Life Eagles Park. Jeong Woo-ram, the closer, would make his final start.

Meanwhile, Hanwha LifeGlass Park, which opened on Jan. 27, 1964, as the Hanbadang Sports Complex Baseball Stadium and is now 61 years old, has been called by its current name since 2015 through a naming sponsor. In 1982, the original OB (now Doosan) moved to Seoul and used the stadium as a temporary home for three years until 1984. Since then, Hanwha has called the stadium home for 39 years, from the time of the former Binggrae, which joined the first team as the seventh club in 1986, until this year, and has produced four permanent legends (Jang Jong-hoon, Jung Min-chul, Song Jin-woo, and Kim Tae-gyun).


Park Jun-young is down again.

Doosan Bears shortstop Park Jun-young is down again. His right hamstring, which has been injured before this year, has flared up again.

Doosan removed infielder Park Jun-young and outfielder Jeon Damin from the first team roster on the 29th, a day without a game.

The move to the second team is notable for Park, who needs to start immediately. “Park Jun-young underwent an MRI examination on the 29th and was diagnosed with a partial injury to his right hamstring muscle,” a Doosan official said.

He will focus on treatment and rehabilitation and will be checked again in four weeks.

The problem is that this is the same area that was already injured. Park injured his right hamstring while sprinting in a game against the Samsung Lions on May 1, and was written off. 바카라사이트 추천 After more than a month of recovery, Park made a difficult comeback on June 12th.

The hamstring is a difficult area to fully recover from once it is injured. Soon after, he injured the same area again, causing Doosan and Park to worry. After fighting for the top spot, the fifth place is no longer safe, and Doosan is in a difficult situation and each player is important.


Bayern Munich had a terrible season in 2023-2024.

British media outlet Sportsmail reported on Thursday that “Bayern Munich coach Vincent Kompany wants to reunite with a midfielder he once played with at Man City. He is ready to work on a deal to sign Bernardo Silva.

Bayern Munich had a terrible season in 2023-2024. Despite having the ‘best in the world’ in Harry Kane, Kim Min-Jae, and others, the Bavarians were unable to do anything. For the first time in 12 years, Bayern Munich finished the season empty-handed. They finished third in the German Bundesliga with 23 wins, 3 draws, and 8 losses (72 points). In the UEFA Champions League (UCL), 안전놀이터 추천 they ended their challenge in the semifinals. Along the way, there were rumors of divisions within the squad. Bayern Munich had hit rock bottom on and off the field. Decisions were made. They parted ways with coach Thomas Tuchel and appointed Kompany. Kompany’s three-year contract will keep him at the helm of Bayern Munich until 2027. Change is expected. The Bavarians recently added Hiroki Ito to their roster.

“Kompany is aiming to bring in experienced players,” Sportsmall said.

‘Kompany is ready to work to persuade Silva to leave City,’ the outlet said, citing another report from the Daily Star. The pair played together at City between 2017 and 2019.

Silva has scored 66 goals and provided 66 assists in 355 appearances for City. He won the English Premier League (EPL) six times and the European Champions League (UCL) once.

‘Silva has never been shy about his desire for new challenges, including a reunion with Benfica (Portugal),’ says Sportsmall. The key is whether Bayern Munich can meet City’s asking price. Silva has two years left on his contract with City. 카지노사이트 순위 He reportedly has a release clause of £50 million. However, it is uncertain whether Bayern Munich will have that amount of money available this summer.


Spain won their Euro 2024 Group B match against Albania

Spain has booked its place in the round of 16 after two wins and a rotation of matches in its European Football Championship (UEFA) Euro 2024 group stage.

Spain won their Euro 2024 Group B match against Albania 1-0 at the Düsseldorf Arena in Düsseldorf, Germany, at 4 a.m. ET on Friday (June 25).

With three wins from three matches (nine points), Spain tops the group and advances to the round of 16. The ‘dark horse’ Albania, on the other hand, finished bottom of the group with one draw and two losses (one point).

Spain, who had previously won two consecutive matches to secure an early round of 16 berth, rotated their lineup. They went with a 4-2-3-1 formation. Joselu was up front, followed by Mikel Oyarzabal, Dani Olmo, and Ferran Torres. 스포츠토토 Mikel Merino and Martin Subramendi formed the third line, with Alejandro Grimaldo, Emrique Laporte, Daniel Vivian, and Jesus Navas in defense. David Raya was in goal.

Albania also lined up in a 4-2-3-1 formation.

Lei Manai started up top, with Nedim Bairami, Kazim Raci, and Zasir Asani in the second line. The third line was Kristijan Aslani and Wilbert Ramadani, while the defense was Mario Mitai-Arlind Ayeti-Berat Gimciti-Ivan Baliu. Tomas Strakosha was in goal.

Spain’s goal came early in the match. In the 13th minute, Olmo spotted Torres getting back into space and slipped a penetrating pass to him. He didn’t miss his chance. Torres scored with a left-footed shot. The ball bounced off the post and into the back of the net.

With a one-goal lead, Spain took control of the game and swung for the fences.

In the 41st minute, Torres tried to add to the lead with a header, but the ball went over the bar.

Spain went into halftime with a 1-0 lead.

Albania didn’t sit idly by. Midway through the second half, they started to push the line. In the 32nd minute, 토토사이트 순위 Aslani tried to convert, but the ball sailed wide of the post by a mere sheet of paper.

Torres scored the final goal of the game to give Spain a 1-0 victory.

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