KT showed a clear advantage in height.
In a practice match between 안전카지노사이트 Suwon KT Sonicboom and Kyunghee University on the 27th. The day KT Victorium won KT 72-53.
KT, who had the upper hand, blocked Kyunghee University’s attack from the beginning. Lee Doo-won actively participated in the withdrawal and kept KT under one block. In the attack, Jung Sung-woo made a breakthrough in driving to a foul, and the game was played at a fast pace through a quick attack. Kim Jun-hwan also managed to score in various ways, such as breaking layup, 3 points, and shooting under the goal. Kyung Hee University launched an attack with Hwang Young-chan at the front, and KT seemed to be hesitating on the screen of Kyung Hee University for a while.
But starting with Han Hee-Won’s quick attack lineup, Ildefonso hit the goal with Trump’s game, and KT increased its energy. After that, he made a sale, but he solved it by actively participating in the revival. On the other hand, Kyung Hee University tried to score 3 points several times, but suffered from field hunting and couldn’t find a way to attack. KT reached the top of 36-29 in the first half.
In the second half, KT still held the right to supply. Doo-Won Lee showed high jumping ability and stopped Kyunghee University’s attacks with blocks in a row, and Chang-Jin Choi and Jun-hwan Kim showed a two-man game. Kyung Hee University tried to block KT with a switch, but Jung Sung-woo and Choi Seong-mo broke through and played an active role inside and outside. KT left 58-34 and finished third quarter.
By the end of the game, both teams had been pressing each other with close defense. Kyung Hee University was followed by Kim Soo-oh. Kim Soo-oh played an active role in attacking and defending with a goal below the goal and an offensive rebound after a high success rate of three points. However, Lee Ho-jun and Ildefonso have reopened the gap with the foreign weapons. Kyung Hee University fought against frequent sales, and KT, which developed an attack on even rotation, won.