
Son embraces ‘racist’ Bentancur…”Nothing has changed between us”

English Premier League (EPL) captain Son Heung-min of Tottenham has embraced his teammate Rodrigo Bentancur after receiving an apology for a racist joke directed at him.

English Premier League (EPL) captain Son Heung-min of Tottenham has embraced his teammate Rodrigo Bentancur after receiving an apology for a racist joke directed at him.

“I had a conversation with Bentancur,” Son wrote on his social media (SNS) on Tuesday, “and he made a mistake. Bentancur apologized to me after recognizing his mistake,” he wrote.

“I don’t think Bentancur meant to be offensive,” he said, adding, “We are still brothers, and nothing has changed.”

Son Heung-min himself addressed the controversy, saying, “We will come together again in the upcoming pre-season and fight as ‘one team.

Tottenham also announced on their official social media that they would be conducting anti-discrimination training for the entire squad, including Bentancur.

“We are working hard to address this issue,” the club said, “and we will provide training on diversity, equality, and inclusion for all our players.”

“We fully support our captain Son Heung-min as he puts the controversy behind him and focuses on the upcoming new season,” the statement continued, “We are proud of our global fans and players. There should be no discrimination of any kind in our organization and society.”

Uruguayan Bentancur recently sparked controversy when he made comments about Son Heung-min during an appearance on a local television program.

When asked by the host to “get Son Heung-min’s jersey,” he replied, “I could bring him his cousin’s jersey and he wouldn’t recognize it. They look the same,” he said.

This was a racist remark that revealed a racist perception that all Asians look the same.

After a lot of criticism from fans, Bentancur took to social media to apologize to Son Heung-min.

In the post, he wrote, “Sonny, I apologize for what happened. What I said was a bad joke, you know how much I love you, and I never meant to disrespect or hurt you,” he wrote. 카지노사이트

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