
Kim Kwang-hyun, who kept his 1-point ERA, was very likely, but he allowed four runs in six innings in his last appearance

His ERA, which was 1.99, jumped to 2.13 in the final game. After watching this, Ahn Woo-jin made his last appearance on October 8. Ahn Woo-jin, who was still behind Kim Kwang-hyun with 2.19, pitched perfect with two hits and no runs in seven innings in his final appearance. Ahn Woo-jin topped the list as his ERA fell to 2.11. Kim Kwang-hyun, who had been leading stably by maintaining a one-point range, lost his back with an average of 3.16 earned runs in six games since September, which was the cause of the last-minute reversal.

The competition for the title of the ERA is changing again this year. Amid the increasingly fierce battle for the top five rankings, the league’s ace competition suddenly turned into a chaotic battle. Raul Alcantara (Doosan) has the highest ERA until the 4th. He is recording 2.37, followed by Ahn Woo-jin (Kiem) and Eric Pedi (NC) with a 2.39 ERA. LG Adam Plutco is in fourth place with 2.41 and SSG Kirk McCarty is in fifth place with 2.48. The gap between the first and fourth places is so close that it is only 0.04.

This year’s ERA competition, which began with a showdown between Pedi and Ahn Woo-jin at the beginning of the season, became Pedi’s solo system as Ahn Woo-jin began to lose points little by little. Pedi ran overwhelmingly at 1.74 until July. However, the number of runs increased sharply in August. On August 2, he suffered his first early defeat with five runs in four innings against Lotte, and finally collapsed with seven runs in three innings against KIA on the 31st. Pedi’s ERA, which was 1.97, jumped to 2.39 after the game.

Ahn Woo-jin also took the mound on the same day. He allowed one run in six innings against SSG and lowered his ERA from 2.43 to 2.39. The first place was changed to Alcantara. He had a 2.25 ERA at the time. However, even Alcantara allowed four runs in seven innings against Lotte on the 4th, raising his ERA to 2.37, becoming a warm-hearted system. It is unusual that two of the ultra-close competitors have virtually ended the season.

Ahn Woo-jin suffered elbow pain after the match against SSG on August 31 and decided to undergo ligament joint surgery, which suddenly ended the season. Plutko has been out of the game since August 26 against NC due to pelvic bone contusion. Since he was diagnosed for four to five weeks, it is interpreted as the end of the season. It can be a big variable in the competition for ERA. This is because Ahn Woo-jin may sit still and win the title. 에볼루션 바카라사이트

The reason why pitchers who quit the season more than a month earlier due to injury are pushed out of the title competition is because of the regulation innings, which is eventually a qualification of the title holder. Plutko pitched only 123.1 innings. Even if he can return at the end of the season, it is not easy. However, Ahn Woo-jin has already pitched 150.2 innings to fill the regular innings. Due to the nature of the ERA, Ahn Woo-jin may be rather advantageous compared to Pedi and Alcantara, who now have to play the rest of the games under pressure amid the team’s ranking competition.

NC and Doosan have about 30 games left each. Pedy and Alcantara, the aces in their teams competing for the semi-finals, are absolutely their share. The same goes for fifth-ranked SSG’s McCarty. He must take the mound at least six to seven games each.

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