
Hwang Hee-chan self-evaluated his soccer style as “a player with various skills.”

“He is better known as a daredevil striker, but I think he is a versatile player. He also puts priority on ways that are more advantageous to his team than his desire for goals, as well as linked plays. I always think about how to utilize the space and choose the location.”

It was during the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup that Hwang decided to become a soccer player. He was so competitive that he always did his best to win, but he said that he just loved soccer. “I’ve been full of balls all my life, and I still love them so much that I can’t explain them all in words. Even now, I can have fun all day with the ball.”

As a soccer player, Hwang Hee-chan said, “If the 100th stage is the final stage, I think I’m in the 70th stage,” adding, “I still believe there are more things I can do and I can do better. I don’t know where the end is, but I want to go there.” 안전놀이터 추천

As for life after retirement, he said, “Retirement is inevitable for an athlete, and when I think about it, it makes me sad. Someday I will retire, and after that, I have a dream that I want to become the owner or general manager.” You can check out the photos and interviews of soccer player Hwang Hee-chan through the January issue of Arena Homme Plus.

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