
“Experience outside the body.”

In 2006, according to , Bayo was the 15th online player in the world, earning more than $1.4 million. Despite his youth, he has 26 WSOP cash (worth $608,000), including eight of 21 games played this summer. Those 26 cash is more than any other player in the finals, and Bayo’s overall live income now totals more than $2.5 million.

But none of the WSOP cash had ever been in the main event before this year. And it was the best performance in 2014 when it took second place in the $3,000 Nomit Six-Hand event and pocketed $314,535.

With only 38 players remaining on day six of this year’s main event, Bayo looked destined for another deep WSOP run without a winning table when he put on an A-K offshoot with 30 big blinds remaining. Last year’s “Bubble Boy” Jonas Lauke made a snap call with a pocket ace, which led Bayo to get up from his seat and start to pack his belongings. With a 6% chance of survival, Bayo, like everyone else at the table, was convinced he was a failure.

However, a Q-10-3 flop resulted in a draw on Broadway and when Jack made the turn, Bayo’s ace-caliber straightness allowed him to double up without going home.

Bayo was visibly shaken by that hand, and admitted that it had profoundly affected him mentally.

“It absolutely exhausted me, as if it hadn’t happened to me,” he explains. “I’ve been a professional for 10 years and I think I’ve never experienced anything like this. It has been very difficult to deal with emotionally. To get that luck at the big moment of the biggest game in poker, at the big moment of my career, I don’t know. I didn’t know how to deal with it.”

Fortunately, we only had about an hour to play on the sixth day, and Bayo was able to get back together in his hotel room.

“The more I thought about it, the more I told myself it would be tremendous if I actually allowed my luck to be disabled,” he says. “I realized that one hand touched me so much that I literally made $155,000. I was rolling freely and I had to make the most of it.”

And that’s what he did on his seventh day. Bayo started the day slow, and he dropped to 21st out of 22 remaining players at one point. But as Bayo described, he started “running like a god.” 온라인카지노

“With two tables left, I had the heat on for the rest of my life,” he says. “It was crazy. At one point I was made up of five or six hands, from 6.5 million chips to 35 million. All of a sudden, I looked down and there are 37 million chips in front of me with 14 people left. It wasn’t until that time that I thought, ‘Blimey.

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