
“World Home Run Derby Winner” is growing. High Single A hit his second home run

Jo Won-bin, who plays for Peoria Chiefs, the Hissinkle A team of the St. Louis Cardinals, had one hit (homer) and two RBIs from five times at bat in a game against the South Bend Cubs under the Chicago Cubs. He hit his second homer since hitting his first homer of the season on May 18.

Starting as a center fielder, Cho hit a two-run shot in his first at-bat in the bottom of the first inning. Jo, who got on base after Jacques Levenson hit a right-handed hit, faced off opponent starter Will Sanders and banged on the first pitch, but was fouled. He picked out the ball outside the second or third pitches, hit the ball straight to the center, and the ball crossed the fence. Peoria’s lead is 2-0. 토토사이트 추천

With Levenson’s solo shot leading 3-0 in the bottom of the third inning, Cho tried to bunt the first pitch, but failed. He swung at low balls in a row for the second and third pitches, but failed to hit them and struck out.

In the bottom of the fifth inning, he had a showdown with Yovani Cabrera, a new pitcher. With Levenson hitting a double and advancing to the third base through wild pitch, Cho struck out swinging on a low ball from the outside after a close game of full count.

With two outs and a runner on the first base in the bottom of the sixth inning, Cho was out on a fly to the left field in the bottom of the eighth inning, failing to garner an additional hit. After Cho’s first two-run shot, the team scored an additional run and won the game 6-2.

Cho Won-bin played in 43 games this season, recording a batting average of .24 percent (31 hits in 152 times at bat) with two homers and 15 RBIs. In 2020, when he was a second grader at Seoul Convention High School, he played for Korea in the World Power Showcase Home Run Derby and became the first Asian winner under the age of 18 to make his name known.

Jo, who joined the St. Louis Cardinals for a down payment of $500,000 in 2022, had a batting average of 211 percent with one homer and three RBIs in his first year in the rookie league. He played 105 games in Single A last year, posting a batting average of 27 percent, seven homers and 52 RBIs, and 32 steals. He is playing in High Single A, a step up this season.

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