
손준호 선수 복귀 길 다시 열렸다…FIFA, ‘영구 징계 확대’ 中 축구협회 요구 기각

중국 프로팀만 아니면 된다.

국제축구연맹(FIFA)이 중국축구협회(CFA)의 전 국가대표 미드필더 손준호의 영구 제명 전 세계 확대 요청을 기각한 것으로 확인됐다.

대한축구협회(KFA)는 24일 “이날 오전 FIFA로부터 손준호의 징계 처분을 전 세계로 확대해달라는 CFA의 요청이 기각됐음을 알리는 공문을 받았다”라며 “손준호에게도 이런 사실을 통보했다”라고 전했다. 토토사이트

손준호는 산둥 타이산에서 뛰던 지난 2023년 5월 중국 상하이 홍차오 공항을 통해 가족과 귀국길에 오르던 도중 공안에 붙잡혔다. ‘비(非)국가공작인원 수뢰죄’ 혐의가 적용됐고 랴오닝성 차오양 공안국의 조사를 받았다. 안전놀이터

중국 사법 당국의 조사를 받았던 손준호는 10개월 동안 구금됐고 지난해 3월 석방, 귀국해 수원FC와 계약을 맺고 K리그1을 누볐다. 그러다 CFA가 9월 10일 영구 제명 징계를 내렸다. 손준호에게는 선수 생명에 사형 선고와 같았다.

CFA는 발표에서 ‘사법기관이 인정한 사실을 보면 손준호는 정당하지 않은 이익을 도모하려고 정당하지 않은 거래에 참여해 축구 경기를 조작, 불법 이익을 취득했다’라며 축구와 관련한 어떤 행동도 평생 금지한다는 뜻을 KFA에 전해왔다.

동시에 FIFA와 아시아 축구연맹(AFC)에도 순준호의 징계 사실을 알리며 축구 활동 금지 처분의 확대를 요구했다. 최순호 수원FC 단장은 손준호와 논의를 통해 계약을 해지했다. 소액결제 현금화

일단 FIFA의 이번 조치로 손준호의 현역 복귀 길은 다시 열렸다. KFA 한 관계자는 “이번 FIFA의 결정으로 손준호의 징계는 중국 프로 경기에서만 유효하다. 예를 들어 손준호가 국가대표에 뽑혀 활약한다고 가정하면, 중국 원정 경기에 뛰어도 문제 없다. 프로 경기에만 해당한다고 보면 될 것 같다. 어쨌든 K리그와 다른 국가 리그에서는 선수 생활을 할 여건이 만들어졌다”라고 말했다.

다만, CFA와 중국 사법 당국은 손준호가 비국가공작인원 수뢰죄를 인정해 징계를 내린 것이라고 강조했다. 손준호와 손준호 측은 중국 사법 당국이 징계 수위를 줄여주고 구금 상태에서 빨리 해제해주겠다는, 일종의 형량 거래를 제안해 왔다며 공포스러운 수사를 받는 상황에서 혐의를 적용받았을 뿐이라고 항변했다.

축구협회 선수 등록 규정도 해석이 필요하다. 제9조 1항 8호에는 ‘축구 관련 비리 행위로 인하여 금고 이상의 형을 선고받고 집행유예 기간이 종료되거나 집행이 종료된 날로부터 5년이 경과하지 않은 자 또는 벌금형을 선고받고 3년이 경과하지 않은 사람은 등록할 수 없다’라고 명시했다.

즉 손준호 측은 여전히 중국 사법 당국이 내린 결론이 억울하다는 입장이다. FIFA가 CFA의 주장을 기각한 배경에는 손준호가 언제 어느 경기에서 어떤 일을 저질러 징계를 내리게 됐는지에 대해 자세하게 기록되지 않았던 것으로 알려졌다.

이 때문에 축구협회는 상급 단체인 대한체육회에 유권해석을 요청받기로 했다. 또, 손준호가 선수 등록을 원할 경우 관련 자료를 추가로 제출, 확인 후 결정하기로 정리했다. 신용카드 현금화


KFA board member to leave for Europe, two candidates for national team coach interview are ‘master teacher’ Poyet + ‘separately recommended’ Wagner

The search for a new national coach is coming to a head.

Lee Im-sang, the Korean Football Association’s (KFA) technical director who took over from resigned power-enhancement chairman Chung Eui-sung, left for Europe on Tuesday. For face-to-face interviews. The outlines of the candidates who will meet in person have been revealed. “Lee will meet with former Greece national team coach Gus Poyet (57) and former Norwich City manager David Wagner (53),” an official familiar with the soccer world told Sports Chosun.

Chung announced his resignation on June 28, The panicked KFA decided that it could no longer delay the selection of the A team’s coach and entrusted the role to Lee Im-sang, who has already presided over the first video conference with the entire committee on June 30. However, some of the “old guard” members were not present, which led to a series of resignations. The ‘Jeong Sung-ho All-Powerful Committee’, which has been sailing since February, 토토사이트 has effectively collapsed.

In an atmosphere of embarrassment, there was no time to delay. Lee continued to move according to the set timetable: He decided to meet with the highly ranked foreign candidates in person. Initially, he met with them virtually. However, he reportedly clashed with the KFA head over the need for face-to-face meetings. This is why Lee traveled to Europe so quickly. With time constraints preventing him from meeting with many candidates, he narrowed it down to Poyet and Wagner.

Poyet was one of 12 candidates, including domestic coaches. At the ninth meeting, where the 12 candidates were evaluated, he reportedly received the highest score among foreign candidates, along with Iraqi coach Jesús Casas. Uruguayan coach Poyet is a former star player who played for Chelsea and Tottenham during his playing days. After retiring from football in 2004, Poyet turned to coaching and took over at Brighton in 2009. After leading the team to the Ligue 1 (third division) title in 2010-2011 and a fourth-place finish in the Championship in 2012-2013, Poyet took over at Sunderland, then playing in the English Premier League, in October 2013. He turned around the relegation zone and led them to a 14th-place finish and a runner-up finish in the League Cup. Poyet made a strong impression on domestic fans, especially by utilizing Ki Sung-yueng on loan.

After resigning from Sunderland in 2015 due to poor results, Poyet has coached AEK Athens in Greece, Real Betis in Spain, Shanghai Shenhua in China, Bordeaux in France and Catolica in Chile. He was most recently in charge of the Greek national team. His experience in the so-called big leagues of England, Spain, and France, as well as his national team experience, makes him an attractive candidate. He also has a connection to Korea through Ki Sung-yong. However, it’s unlikely that the KFA will accept the asking price. There’s also the fact that he’s from Uruguay, a country that has been plagued by racism, including the recent Rodrigo Ventancourt case.

Wagner was not among the original 12 candidates. At the 10th meeting, four more candidates were added, one of which was Wagner. It was reportedly recommended by a member of the minority faction A, who had opposed former Ulsan coach Kim Do-hoon, who was considered a strong candidate among the domestic faction. Although he was a late addition, he made the shortlist. Wagner is said to be strongly supported by some in the KFA hierarchy.

Wagner, who was born in Germany but chose to play for the United States, was an average player in the first and second Bundesliga. After retiring, he followed his “best friend” Jürgen Klopp to become the head coach of Dortmund 2. He showed promise and was appointed as Huddersfield’s first non-Commonwealth manager in 2015. Wagner led the club to an improbable promotion in the 2016-2017 season, followed by a stay in the following year. After leaving Huddersfield in 2019, Wagner went on to manage Germany’s Schalke and Switzerland’s Young Boys, but failed to make a significant impact. He most recently managed Norwich City in the Championship. He also coached Hwang Eui-jo at Norwich City.

Wagner’s low salary is one of his advantages. However, his recent career has been in a downward spiral, and he has no national team coaching experience.

Lee will continue to interview domestic coaching candidates after returning home. Based on the results of Lee’s interviews, the KFA plans to select a final candidate through a comprehensive evaluation with the existing candidate, Australian coach Graham Arnold.

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