
The Wind Creek Casino Recruitment Fair In Harvey Cancels Last-minute

Wind Creek A large job fair was planned in Harvey on Thursday ahead of the opening of the Chicago Southland. The event, which will take place in the Harvey Park District’s Gloria Taylor Center, was expected to help the casino hire a diverse staff, filling some of its 1,000 open roles.

However, while hundreds of job seekers prepared early in the morning, the job fair did not take place. This disappointed nearly 300 people looking for new jobs in the Wind Creek Chicago Southland.

As announced by the Chicago Tribune, citing information from officials at Wind Creek Casino, Harvey Mayor Christopher Clark contacted Brent Pinkston, chief operating officer of Wind Creek Hospitality, to ask him to cancel the event less than 20 minutes before the start of the 10 a.m. job fair. The reason for the cancellation was reportedly due to concerns related to the formation of large crowds.

Future game, entertainment, and entertainment venues are expected to start hiring staff at some point in August. This is why the job fair was an important milestone in the process. However, even though people signed up, the event was canceled, disappointing both the casino and job applicants. 무료슬롯사이트

Kisha McCaskill, executive director of the Harvey Park District, said there were more than 100 people who arrived for the job fair at 10 a.m. on Thursday. “These are people who quit their jobs, people who stayed away from their children, these are people who are struggling,” she said.

McCaskill added that the canceled job fair was “a huge disappointment to the people.” Finally, she explained: “By the time this fair closed, we had already had 286 people signed on.”

Harvey said Wind Creek has decided to cancel the event

A spokesperson for Harvey, Glenn Harston, insisted it was not the mayor’s decision to cancel the job fair. In an email, the spokesperson said Mayor Clark contacted a representative for Wind Creek, concerned about the size of the crowd expected to gather at the event.

In addition, according to Harston, the mayor was worried that the event center would be able to accommodate as many people as it could turn up as a result. Clark’s concerns also revolved around the inadequate presence of law enforcement and fire departments as a means of ensuring the safety of the event.

According to Harston, after Clark made this claim to a Wind Creek representative, they decided to cancel the job fair. “The decision to cancel the job fair was made by Wind Creek, not by the mayor or the city,” the spokesperson wrote.

At this point, it is unclear when another job fair will be organized. Nevertheless, the opening ceremony of the Wind Creek Chicago Southland is planned for later this summer.

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